Friday, May 05, 2006
Thursday, May 04, 2006

We went,we saw,we returned!!!!!!!!!!!Got to meet our beautiful grandaughter!!!!!!!!!Japan was a great experience for us.Even with our non existant japanese we managed to get around with no major problems.Our son in law did help a time or two with getting reservations and tickets.(thank you Li!) I may never again see the amount of temples and shrines that we came across.All shapes and sizes.We spent 2 days in Kyoto exploring ,then went off to Andrea's home,spent 2 days at a Japanese onsen(spa) in the mountains.I think we were the only non asian in the whole resort and had a wonderful time! then back to Andrea's for a few days,then went to Tokyo for 3 days before we flew back home.Our hotel in Tokyo was across the street from the imperial palace,the whole setting was peaceful and quiet.We did manage to get lost in an underground food mall at the Tokyo train station for an hour one night.That was an experience!I am glad we went,but was also really glad to get back to the farm.I missed Toby (the dog) Connie (my horse) and our bed!!!!!!